Ahmad and Alec, car lovers and photogs
Originally uploaded by trudeau.
Shreveport Faces Contributing Editors: Talbot Hopkins Trudeau, Kathryn Usher, Mike Rosebery, Barbara Beaird, Charlsie Shaver, Susan W Rogers, Casey Jones.
Pop your pics into Flickr.com to paste the pixels here: trudeau11@gmail.com.
Enjoy the goodness of Shreveport Bossier Fun Guide
Artspace recption: Talbot Hopkins has an exhibit of photos and paintings, Bill Joyce has new nominations for the animators' Annie Awards and Kendrick Hudson is overseeing the release of his first feature-length film, Outside Sales.
The show under discussion opens Jan 20 and is called Folk Art Is ...
Call to artists: shrevearts.org or 673-6500.
Artist orientation party Th, Dec 15, 6:30 pm at Artspace.
Among those planning the Artspace exhibit called Folk Art Is ... are Mrs. Esther Pouncey and Mrs. Elizabeth Glover of the Martin Luther King Intergenerational Quilters.
Opening Jan 20 is the Artspace exhibit Folk Art Is ...
At a planning meeting were June Phillips, Kevin Stone and Karen Courtman.
The January show at Artspace is called Folk Art Is .... The title reflects the difficulty in settling on a definition for folk art.
Winds blowing down Texas St will be picked up by red & green & chartreuse whirligigs located atop street poles, says Pam Atchison. Outside Artspace, conversations will be started by the sight of a post-modern bottle tree as imagined by Artspace artistic director Bill Joyce.
Above, the show's chief fundraiser, Mary Frances Querbes, and musician-politician-businessman Michael Long.
The stage in Anderson Auditorium, Centenary College, seems to be set for performances of Mozart's The Magic Flute on Dec 10 & 11.
More info: 869-5235.
Johnson played the Rachmaninoff No. 1 but has a repetoire that covers every era. Listed as a South Carolinan, she lives in Atlanta with her husband. She is a graduate of Baylor and Boston U.
The second pianist is the orchestral accompanist.
Hee-Seung Lee, Oberlin, Gon 'a Shih, SUNY Stonybrook and Joy Reeder, Indiana.
Wideman host Kevin Hill and Italian exchange student Eugenia __ from Bologna.
Mrs. Crosby was one of some 30 hosts housing the Wideman contestants. She, too, is a pianist and a student of Centenary's Ross Smith.