Julian Dossett, aka Julez. Hear him at myspace.com/julezdossett
Originally uploaded by trudeau.
Shreveport Faces Contributing Editors: Talbot Hopkins Trudeau, Kathryn Usher, Mike Rosebery, Barbara Beaird, Charlsie Shaver, Susan W Rogers, Casey Jones.
Pop your pics into Flickr.com to paste the pixels here: trudeau11@gmail.com.
Enjoy the goodness of Shreveport Bossier Fun Guide
The troupe and director, Ginger Folmer, and instructor-choreographer Renee Smith, have won a performance at Kennedy Center.
Centenary College's dance troup has won an appearance at the Kennedy Center with a piece choreographed by Renee Smith.
Chris Allen's jazz trio plays weekends atr the Bistro, formerly Fertitta's 6301. Here he joined with Michael Susano for the Escaped Images benefit.
In the background is singer Josh Coker.
Dorothinia's dance troupe, Arodasi, will perform Ap 28 - 30 at 327 Market St. More info: 318-861-6721.
Young and complex, John Martin is one of the most gifted songwriters I've seen. Check his myspace.com/thebigpositive for tunes. Backing him is guitarist-singer Michael Stephens and, on drums, Chadwick Leger. Off camera, Carter Sutton on bass. The Big Positive is Shreveport's other Best Band.