Monday, April 11, 2005



Momoko, a Japanese tea shop in Austin, was where daughter Madeline once enjoyed bubble tea. This summer we bought the faddish drink from a stand on the edge of Elliot Bay, Seattle. Today you can get it at Prima Tazza, Shreveport. It is, according to the earnest sales team at, "A tea latte so delicious it is becoming a multi-nation beverage trend." Enjoy it with or without the tapioca pearls, says Prima Tazza's Britt Jenkins.

Do You like bubble tea?

1 comment:

Robert E Trudeau said...

"Great! The "bubble" of bubble tea refers to the froth found at the top once it has been shaken vigorously (usually in a cocktail shaker). The froth is the most delicious part of bubble tea. Unfortunately, a lot of tea rooms will skip this step." Thus responds my daughter madeline, now residing in Ohio.